Sunday, November 22, 2009

I've maintained!

Well, I haven't been to a WW meeting in quite some time. I haven't even weighed myself in forever. Boo threw my scale down the stairs awhile back and I just now got it replaced. So of course first thing after getting it home I weighed myself.

I'm doing great! I'm maintaining my weight loss, which is huge. I may even be down a few pounds, but I'm not sure. I go by my ww weigh in for my official weight, so I need to get to a meeting to see where I'm at.

Now to kick my rear in gear and get back on the weight loss train! AND get back into regular ww meetings. I'm going this Saturday. I'm going this Saturday. I'm going this Saturday. I need to keep repeating that to myself. I think it's possible to lose this week despite Thanksgiving turkey with glorious fatty sides and desserts. I can do this!