Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Weigh In Last Saturday

Well, I didn't have a weigh in last Saturday. Well, actually, there was a weigh in and I've chosen not to attend. Between cooking out for T's birthday, two American idol parties, and another cookout with family this past Sunday it's been eat, eat, and eat some more around here. I need to add a cookout strategy to my weight loss plan! So...I knew I gained a bit and didn't want to go to my meeting and weigh in to confirm it. The good news is that the gain stopped after the first few parties. I've been maintaining. The bad news is that I haven't lost it yet. But today is a fresh day and I'm ready to dig deep for my motivation. So I'm ready to start being a loser again!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Caffeinated Duck

Well, I'm all done with no caffeine in the morning. There's been a couple of mornings where I was barely functional and found myself wishing for a coffee IV. So, I've returned to my caffeinated ways. And it's been delicious! Coffee - I missed you. I'm sorry I ever left. Will you forgive me and please take me back?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Down by 2.6 and I've Lost a Food Point

Well, I'm a loser again this week. Yay - I LOVE being a loser! :) Anyways, my total is now over 16 pounds lost. I feel pretty fantastic about that. I'm starting to actually believe that I will make my goal weight. Sometimes I feel pretty discouraged about the fact that there's so much to lose. I think it feels especially discouraging because this is weight that I'd lost previously. I thought at that time that I'd never see all this weight again. However, I lost weight last time mainly to working out. I did change my eating habits, but I didn't decrease my consumption of food as I lost weight. That's one thing I like about weight watcher's. Weight is one of the things used to calculate how many points a day I get to eat. So when weight goes down I get less points...which brings me to my next point (no pun intended).

I have lost a food point. So now I have one less point to use for eating everyday. I'm not sure if I'll really feel the difference that much or not. I guess that remains to be seen!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Weight Watcher's Update

Well, my "cheater" weigh-ins this week have confirmed that I'm on the right track. Unless I really gorge the next two days I should see a loss on Saturday morning. So we'll see how that goes.

This week hasn't been as active. I've been a bit busy with a few other pursuits this week. But T and I are hoping we can get out and jog this evening. So we'll see.

I do feel that my clothes are fitting better. I can already see a difference in my midsection. Granted, it still looks terrible. Having a baby will wreak havoc on a person's abs. I mean, they were flabby before. But good God - it's just downright scary now! My butt and hips are being stubborn - as usual. Unfortunately I'm thinking I'm going to have to start lunges, squats, and all that good lower body toning stuff to really make a difference in that area. UGH - I HATE lunges. But they work SO WELL!!!

Oh well. At least the eating is on track for this week and there's a great chance for weight loss.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

And the verdict is......

In my previous post I stated that I wasn't sure what to expect this week. Well...are you ready for the verdict???

The verdict is - - - - -

NOTHING. No up or down. I stayed the same. Honestly, I'm okay with this. I know that I ate badly 2 out of the 7 days. Also, I know that when I really kick it into high gear work-out wise I tend to gain muscle and slow my weight loss a bit. Better in the long run for sure.

So my goal for this week is to not blow it any day of the week. Splurges are okay of course when they're within my weekly points. But no blowing it (i.e. - eating so many points that I blow through daily, all the weekly, and some points that aren't there in one day). Yes...I did that last Saturday. Maybe Sunday too...but I was so disgusted with myself that I didn't even add Sunday up!

I'm wondering if I should start taking some basic measurements. It might be good if my weight loss slows due to building muscle mass. That way I'd still be able to see the measurements shrinking even if it's not a "great" week with the scale. We'll see if I get around to that or not!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Not Sure What to Expect

Well, I'm not sure what to expect at my weigh in this week. I did my "cheater's" weigh in a couple of times this week and so far I'm still weighing heavier than I did this time last week. Yikes! And workout wise, I've been working my arse off. Here's what I've done this week:

Monday: resistance training and jog with hubby
Tuesday: digging in garden, jog with hubby, and bikeride with Boo
Wednesday: dogging in garden, bike ride with Boo
Thursday: bike ride with Boo

I'm going to try to get in more resistance training today as well as more cardio. I know from past experience that my body tends to build muscle as I lose weight (if I'm working out). This sometimes slows the weight loss.

However, I also had two very bad eating days this past week - Saturday and Sunday. So it's hard to say if the extra weight is from those two days or from building muscle or a combination of the two.

So I've got one more day. I'm not sure what will happen at my weigh in on Saturday. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

On another note, T is going to start doing weight watchers with me. He wants to learn how to eat healthy. So I'm going over the program with him on Sunday night. He's not going to officially join and go to meetings and all that. That would just be expensive for both of us to do that. But I'm going to show him my materials and how to work the points.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Entire Body is Sore

It hurts to move. My entire body is sore. I've been on the move nonstop this week. Hubby decided that he wants us to jog together every night. This is wonderful as I've been trying to get him to do this for years. And, once I'm in the habit, I really enjoy jogging outdoors. The first night we went Boo was actually with my mom. So that made it pretty easy. Last night we took him with us. We have a jogging stroller that hubby found. He fixed a side that was broken so that it's usable. But it veers to the right. So I'm constantly pushing harder with my right arm than with my left. No fun. But oh well, it's better than nothing. So I'm just happy we have it. Boo seemed to enjoy the jog. When we got back he kept saying "bike." He went into the garage and started trying to pull his bike trailer out of the garage. It was so cute that we then went on a short bike ride. Supper was way late, so I'm going to have to figure out how to fit dinner in at a reasonable hour with our jogging. And just when I had a great evening routine down! I'm actually so thrilled about this though. I think hubby's actually pretty serious about this, which is great. But, oh my goodness, I need new running shoes. Mine are probably about 4 or 5 years old and have no support. I can feel the shin splints wanting to start up. So hopefully I can splurge on some new running shoes soon.

I've also been working on digging out an area for our garden. I don't know - it is middle of May after all. Hmmmm.....really need to get those veggies in the ground! We had a tiny garden last year. This year we're relocating it and we're expanding. And guess who's done all of the digging so far - ME! That's not hubby's fault - he's just working a lot of hours and completing his EMT course. Also, on Monday I dug out my resistance bands and did some toning exercises with those. I'm hoping to keep that up. It's been so long since I've used them though that I need to find some exercise instructions for them. Right now I want to focus on upper body. Remember the previous post about the "Cherrington arms"? Yep - trying to combat that one. I even did a couple sets of push ups. Fun.

So anyways, between the jogging, biking, digging, and resistance workouts I'm pooped. My body is so sore. Kids are down for nap right now and I just gave myself a foot bath. That felt great. I have some of that pepperminty foot lotion and spray. That was wonderful. I need to take time to pamper myself more. Granted, the only reason I took the time for it was because my feet were filthy from digging in the garden while the kiddos played this morning. So they needed washed anyways. But it really made a difference as they're super sore from all I've asked them to do this week.

I did get back on track with eating as of Monday. And I've done well since then. I wonder how much those first two days will hurt me. Perhaps with all of this killing myself working out, I'll end up losing nothing because of two lousy days of eating poorly. Oh well - I'm still getting healthier and becoming more fit. And even if the numbers don't show that this week, it's still worth it to get up and get moving!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Weight Loss and Starting the Week with a Bang

Well, I've lost another 1.6 pounds. YAY!

On a different note, after getting weighed in, yesterday was one not so great choice after another. Oops. My mom offered to buy me a tenderloin and shake from one of the restaurants in town that has the best. So, of course I folded. I figured I'd use my extra weekly points for it.

Then I went out with some friends last night and had a mixed drink. No idea how many points it was. I still need to try and figure that one out. It was smallish, so we'll see. Well, then, we went back to a friend's house for awhile and ate some frozen pizzas. I had three slices. Oops again.

Then I came home and hubby gave me some chocolate. Well, I ate some of it. Another oops.

So...I may have to get back on track with the working out if I want to see a loss this week. On another note I have started weeks out on an even worse note than this and ended up with a loss. The key is to not go, "Oh well" and consider the whole week a loss.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Remember those incentive jeans?

Remember my post awhile back about a pair of jeans that were a bit too snug? Well, I've been wearing them pretty comfortably all week. I guess it's time to see if I can find another incentive piece!