Friday, May 8, 2009

Not Sure What to Expect

Well, I'm not sure what to expect at my weigh in this week. I did my "cheater's" weigh in a couple of times this week and so far I'm still weighing heavier than I did this time last week. Yikes! And workout wise, I've been working my arse off. Here's what I've done this week:

Monday: resistance training and jog with hubby
Tuesday: digging in garden, jog with hubby, and bikeride with Boo
Wednesday: dogging in garden, bike ride with Boo
Thursday: bike ride with Boo

I'm going to try to get in more resistance training today as well as more cardio. I know from past experience that my body tends to build muscle as I lose weight (if I'm working out). This sometimes slows the weight loss.

However, I also had two very bad eating days this past week - Saturday and Sunday. So it's hard to say if the extra weight is from those two days or from building muscle or a combination of the two.

So I've got one more day. I'm not sure what will happen at my weigh in on Saturday. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

On another note, T is going to start doing weight watchers with me. He wants to learn how to eat healthy. So I'm going over the program with him on Sunday night. He's not going to officially join and go to meetings and all that. That would just be expensive for both of us to do that. But I'm going to show him my materials and how to work the points.

1 comment:

  1. Dale is the same way, when he looses weight he gains the muscle mass from working out and the numbers are sometimes higher instead.....tricky little bastards!!!
