Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Weight Watcher's Milestone

Well, one of the big milestones in the weight watcher's program is losing 10% of your body weight. This is the first goal that everyone works towards when they join weight watchers. Weight watchers sets this goal for everyone coming in because just losing 10% of a person's body weight can lead to significantly better health.

This week's weight loss was 2.4 lbs. Woo woo - back on the weight loss train.

I felt really great about my success and decided to head to Goodwill for incentive clothing. I did find a pair of jeans that I can squeeze into. I definitely need to lose in order for them to be comfortable and more wearable. So they will be my new incentive jeans. I also got a few long sleeve shirts for fall and I found some cute overalls for Boo. Now I don't have to do laundry for him to have something to wear to the circus tonight!

Anyhoo, hopefully I can stay on the weight loss train. I know that I'll be splurging a bit tonight, but I have my weekly points for that. And as long as I stay within my points tonight and the rest of the week I should see a loss next Saturday!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Checking in Midweek

I'm reposting this. I accidentally posted it on the wrong blog!

Well, so far so good this week. Even though I ate a lot over the weekend, it came out of my extra weekly points that weight watchers allows. So I'm doing okay. I've been able to stay in my points every day and it's showing on the scale. Also, activity wise I think I'm doing okay. With having 5 children in the house 4-5 days a week I pretty much don't sit down all day. I'm constantly on the move. We still do our morning walk. Granted, this is not at all at a brisk pace. I have two walkers now and that really slows me down. But oh well. I try to go for another walk in the evenings with Boo and Wally. That walk's a bit faster since Boo rides in the stroller!

I'd love to get in some yoga during naptime, but right now I'm lucky if I sit down for 20 minutes during naptime (even though the kids sleep for about 2 1/2 to 3 hours). But there's so many things that need to get done in that time, plus there's a little baby that usually wants fed somewhere in there!

Anyways, it feels good to see some progress on the scale after buckling down and putting forth the effort!