Sunday, May 17, 2009

Down by 2.6 and I've Lost a Food Point

Well, I'm a loser again this week. Yay - I LOVE being a loser! :) Anyways, my total is now over 16 pounds lost. I feel pretty fantastic about that. I'm starting to actually believe that I will make my goal weight. Sometimes I feel pretty discouraged about the fact that there's so much to lose. I think it feels especially discouraging because this is weight that I'd lost previously. I thought at that time that I'd never see all this weight again. However, I lost weight last time mainly to working out. I did change my eating habits, but I didn't decrease my consumption of food as I lost weight. That's one thing I like about weight watcher's. Weight is one of the things used to calculate how many points a day I get to eat. So when weight goes down I get less points...which brings me to my next point (no pun intended).

I have lost a food point. So now I have one less point to use for eating everyday. I'm not sure if I'll really feel the difference that much or not. I guess that remains to be seen!

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