Saturday, August 22, 2009

Come on...Seriously??

Well, I've been having an issue with weight watchers in that I've been sleeping in a lot of Saturdays and missing my weigh-in opportunity. Oops. I've also been cheating. Another oops. I know attending a few meetings is what I need to get back on track and stop all the cheating nonsense. So today was going to be the day.

Well, as I was getting ready to go today I realized that thanks to my wonderful housekeeping skills, I am missing a very important article of clothing that is necessary in order to step outside of my house. So I'll be doing laundry instead of going to my meeting today.

I can say that I know I'm up. I pigged out yesterday for sure and I've been cheating a lot. However, I've had enough good days in between the cheating that I've managed to stay steady overall. I do think that currently I'm up a few pounds though.

So I guess I'll make it a point to get the laundry done today.

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